This being my last blog post, I will be completely honest. I am in no way capable of posting a blog on a daily basis. I have a full time job taking a full course load and am married with a family. I have done what I could but unfortunately it probably isn't the amount of writing you wanted. I do know that I do as much as I can in the little time that I have to do it in. I think with all things considering I am doing pretty well. I hope that as time goes on I get better at writing more fluently and be able to get faster at it.
Matthew - Writing practice is more challenging for some writers than others. Creating a habit of writing is helpful. I know that students have challenging and busy lives. This is why I try to keep this assignment down to 10-15 minutes a day in order to stay under the 12-16 hours a week required for a three credit class. Were you not able to reply to the reflective prompts for the posts you were able to complete? The assignment required that you reflect on the process but also on the writing you did complete. I would have like to read those thoughts as well. ~Ms. A.