Sunday, October 11, 2015


The smell of homemade chicken noodle soup is so warming. I make mine with egg noodles, fresh carrots, peas, corn, chicken breast, and celery. I let it simmer and fill the entire house with it's warm delicious aroma. My wife likes to add fresh cherry tomatoes to hers and my daughter adds crackers to it. I like the colors and the heat as I stir it. It is like a beautiful sunny autumn day all in one pot. I love sitting around the table and just enjoying it with my family.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


This being my last blog post, I will be completely honest. I am in no way capable of posting a blog on a daily basis. I have a full time job taking a full course load and am married with a family. I have done what I could but unfortunately it probably isn't the amount of writing you wanted. I do know that I do as much as I can in the little time that I have to do it in. I think with all things considering I am doing pretty well. I hope that as time goes on I get better at writing more fluently and be able to get faster at it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

So tired...

I am just writing and writing AND writing. This is just me clearing my mind from the daily stress of life. Today has been crazy. I can't believe I agreed to get those stupid kittens out from under the house for my wife. Does she not realize they are little ninjas in fur coats with fangs and claws? But I got them. Stupid cats hiding in cinder blocks and me with a pot holder since I couldn't find my leather gloves. And then of course because they were hissing and screaming at me the mom cat decided she needed in on the action. But now they are all safely in the dog cage on the front porch so that my wife can sleep better at night knowing they are safe and not under the  house. The things we do for love. I love my wife. I hate those stupid cats. But because I love my wife I tolerate the cats. Anyone want a kitten? I feel like I should just give in because I know she is going to at least keep one or two. The mom cat came with the house. At least my wife promised to get her fixed once the kittens are weaned. I am so ready for them to be weaned because I think she is already pregnant again. Crazy cat.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


            The church sanctuary is a warm place. Upon walking in, the lights are turned down to a warm glow to give a cozy feeling of being safe. The carpet is maroon, not too short and also not too shaggy. I find my way to a center pew that is made out of dark cherry wood with a dark red padded seat. As I sit there, I notice the low hanging ceiling fans turning slowly like some invisible wind is blowing them. The sun is barely shining through the stain glass windows as it goes down, sending colors of red, blue, and yellow bouncing through dancing on the walls, floor, and ceiling. It creates a sense of peace and calm. The carpet silences the footsteps of others so as not to disturb the tranquility of the sanctuary. It is a safe haven for everyone that comes here.

If I Could Not FAil

If I knew that I could not fail, I would be a veterinarian. It has always been a dream of mine to work with animals professionally. I love animals and their companionship with man, either as a family pet or family work animal. Ever since I was a young man, I knew the growing issue of not enough veterinarians versus the growing population of animals as a real problem. One of the issues is also the cost of veterinarian visits, and if I knew I could not fail, I would make them a barter and trade system like there used to be back in the day. I would also have a safe haven sanctuary for unwanted and abused animals. Animals are as much a part of our future as humankind. There will never be a point in time where we do not somehow rely on animals. I would make sure that just as humans have the right to be seen by a doctor that animals would have the same right. Just as we send people to other lands to help the unfortunate, I would want to have that same capability to help unfortunate animals around the world. If I could not fail, I would be the voice of animals everywhere as a veterinarian who loves animals not the money.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is the only way to connect with who you are speaking to on an intimate level. Without knowing where someone is from or what they believe, it is quite easy to offend them and then you have lost all credibility and interest from them. If you want to connect with your audience you must know their age ranges and their backgrounds. You wouldn't use medical terms in a layman's conference just as you wouldn't use slang at an English conference. You must know all aspects of your audience, this includes political and religious views. I am not saying that you can't voice your own views but you must be able to back them up and show proof and knowledge to back your points. It all really depends on what kind of communication you are after with your audience. Informative means you have proof to back up your speech or blog, and if it's persuasive you better be ready to tread lightly in some areas. It all comes down to knowing your audience and what majority they hold. If they are into science you wouldn't talk about art, and vice versa. I understand that everyone is from all over and ages range from young to old, but you have to find the median to keep interest across the board. This is knowing your audience.

Life Expectancy

I really think that we have shortened our life spans due to the choices we make on a daily basis. I fully understand the need for the McQuick generation but we need to take the time to take the time, if that makes sense. I look around at people going nowhere fast as they drive here and there and everywhere. I really wish people still believed in the leisurely Sunday drive, or the thrown together park picnic. Before you know it, we are too old to enjoy these things because our bodies are wasted away and all we have to show for our life is things. Sometimes it isn't money that makes life interesting, sometimes it's catching the random firefly with your child or watching a scary movie with your wife. Without making time to take time, we are shortening our lives with stress and overeating and no relaxation. Even on vacation we don't relax. We have everything planned out. What happened to spontaneity and leaving it to chance. We should take time to get lost and find ourselves. We need to learn to relax. We need to make time. As I watch my daughter get older I hope that I can teach her patience and the ability to just enjoy being not just having. Our society is so reliant on things that they have forgotten that many things are free that are taken for granted.  I want to be able to enjoy my grandchildren later in life and teach them to take the time to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the little things. We could learn alot from children. They can be mesmerized with something as simple as a butterfly on a flower. They ask questions and they are okay if we don't know the answer. We need to learn to live just as children do. I am not saying we should shun our responsibilities, but when is the last time we laughed, a deep belly aching laugh. That is what lengthens life expectancy.